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Modern Building Envelopes_030122

The WCAPT Student/Emerging Professional Scholarship Fund provides financial support to one current student and one recent graduate in historic preservation or related fields.


Application deadline is June 30, 2023 at 5:00 PM PST. 

-- This Event Already Happened --

Fire Safety - Up in Smoke 360 E. 2nd Street, Suite 225, Los Angeles 
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2019 5:30 PM  

John Fidler presented on fire safety issues in historic buildings and dealing with fire disasters. John was Conservation Director of English Heritage and responsible for third-party disaster responses for the English buildings cited. His department commissioned research on fire safety in historic buildings and published extensively on the subject, and case studies will be presented from York Minster, Hampton Court Palace, and Windsor Castle.  Participants learned about fire considerations and disaster preparedness for historic buildings, along with post-disaster mitigation activities.


WCAPT members are invited to attend a free event presented by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

RICS SoCal Chapter Offers
Evening Seminar on Augmented Reality
   Thursday September 28th 6 - 8 PM.

"New Realities Technologies for the Real Estate" is a presentation by Fergus Bruce, Strategic Communications Manager of Soluis Group.

Fergus will introduce Soluis' technology, which is used to walk through and visualize complicated assets. He will showcase their pioneering use of VR/AR to visualize and promote massive new sports stadiums for the English Premier League. Rocketdyne, a local LA project where NASA developed and tested the Space Shuttle engines, was extensively surveyed, and the data generated used to create on and off site Virtual Reality portals of the history of the site as a condition of its development.

Venue: 523 W. 6th Street, Suite 1001, Los Angeles, CA 90014

2019 WCAPT Annual Meeting

WCAPT's Annual Meeting is this weekend in San Diego, California, with two days of tours and events. 

On Friday we have a tour of Louis Kahn's Salk Institute in La Jolla including a review of the recent preservation work undertaken and on Saturday we kick off the day at the beach with a tour of the historic Mission Beach Boardwalk lead by IS Architecture. On Saturday afternoon we have presentations from WJE Associates on the teak window and concrete conservation work at the Salk Institute and a case study of concrete conservation and antigraffiti coatings from IS Architecture followed by our annual meeting.

-- This Event Already Happened --


January 23, 2019. The Western Chapter of the Association for Preservation Technology (APT) and the RICS SoCal Chapter invite you to a unique tour of the Conservation of Watts Towers Los Angeles. Dr. Mark Gilberg, the Project Manager and his staff from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) will lead a tour of Watts Towers, which is not currently open to the public.

Following a presentation there will be a unique opportunity to go up into the scaffold and see up close the conservation work being carried out by Mark and his team of conservation experts from LACMA.

Sponsored by CBRE



International Workshop - (This event already happened)

Lime Plaster and Lime Wash Historic Adobe Structures - 

Dona Ana Village, New Mexico

 A TICAL will occur in Dona Ana village Oct. 9-13, 2018. Community members, Pat Taylor, representatives of INAH, UNM and Cornerstones will jointly lead the workshop. The workshop will address traditional adobe repairs, lime plaster and lime wash of historic structures in Dona Ana, an historic district listed on the State and National Register. Sponsored by: the Historic Preservation Education Foundation, the National Park Service, Dona Ana Village Historic Preservation Committee, Cornerstones Community Partnerships, University of New Mexico, Pat Taylor Inc., and the Institute Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH). For information regarding the TICAL and to register contact Karen Kuranz, Cornerstones Community Partnerships at 505-982-9521 or and visit  for more detailed information.

Historic Earthen Structures event co-sponsored by WCAPT.

(This event already happened)


Market Street Railway Mural

Tour & Happy Hour
   This Wednesday, October 18th
6 PM (tour) / 7:15 PM (happy hour)

WCAPT is hosting a special tour this week of the Market Street Railway Mural project in San Francisco! A one time opportunity to see and hear about the project from the San Francisco artist herself and wall paintings conservator Kiernan Graves of the Getty Conservation Institute leading the conservation work. The mural is currently undergoing a full conservation treatment program from documentation to hands-on treatment addressing surface deterioration caused by general weathering and environmental conditions, as well as coating failures. The tour will also discuss vandalism and maintenance of exterior murals. 

Then join everyone afterwards for Happy Hour at nearby Blackbird! (Happy Hour is free and does not require an RSVP.)

Location: 300 Church Street, San Francisco, CA


To learn more about the project, visit:
Save & Conserve the Market Street Railway Mural

-- This Event Already Happened --

Documentation Technologies

ALL-DAY Workshop Saturday, May 26, 2017 University of Southern California

A reprisal of the popular summer docu-day lectures. An exceptional workshop focused on documentation technologies from Measured Building Survey (MBS) and Non Destructive Evaluation tools to photogrammetry and HABS/HAER documentation. Mark your calendars for Saturday May 26, 2017.

~ This event already happened ~

Documentation Technology Workshop

Point Reyes National Seashore, CA
February 8 -9, 2017

APT Documentation Technologies & Vanishing Treasures Workshop

APT is partnering with the National Park Service Vanishing Treasures Program to bring the Documentation Technologies Workshop to the picturesque and historic Point Reyes National Seashore just north of San Francisco in California!

Topics and presenters:

Documentation history and laser scanning topics - Chris Gray, FRICS, Mollenhauer Group, Los Angeles, CA & Co-Chair of the APT Technical Committee on Documentation

A client's perspective for documentation strategies at the Washington National Cathedral - James W. Shepherd, AIA, LEED AP, Washington National Cathedral, Washington, DC & Co-Chair of the APT Technical Committee on Documentation

Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) methods, including surface hardness measurements wood resistograph measurements, metal detection, pulse velocity methods, microwave radar, as well as borescope and videoscope - Michael Schuller, PE, Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Boulder, CO & FAPT and former APT Executive Committee Member

Portable XRF Technology - Natalie Feinberg Lopez, Built Environment Evolution, Boulder, CO & APT Board Member/Co-Chair Chapters Committee

An "architect's toolbox" of project management technologies & tablet-based app's - Brandon Friske, Quinn Evans Architects

Photogrammetry and gigapan and digital photography - Alan White, GBGeotechnics USA Inc., Los Angeles, CA & Western Chapter APT Board Member

HABS/HAER/HALS photography and documentation - Stephen Schafer,, Ventura, California & Western Chapter APT Board Member

Hygrothermal evaluation methods - Christopher Decareau, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, San Francisco, CA

In rehabilitating important existing structures, it is crucial to begin by fully and accurately gathering data on geometry and current conditions. Documentation data form the platform for condition analysis and the basis for engineers and architects to develop designs, from the planning phase through implementation during construction. Through a combination of presentations, demonstrations, and panel discussions, participants in this workshop will learn about the latest technologies for obtaining the information and data critical for project planning, analysis, and diagnostics. Participants will also learn how to assemble an effective data gathering strategy to fit differing project needs.

Point Reyes National Seashore

Headquarters and Lifeboat Station

Point Reyes Station, CA

Wednesday February 8 & Thursday February 9 in 2017!

The 2-day workshop will include classroom presentations, field demonstrations at the Lifeboat Station, tours and discussions. 




The Broadway Trade Center located at 801 Broadway was the site of the former Hamburger’s Department Store which opened in 1908. Designed by Alfred F. Rosenheim, this building was one of the first department stores to operate in Los Angeles. Now designated as a Los Angeles Cultural Monument, this building is being brought back to life in a dramatic way. We will hear about the exciting development from the architects, including how the 3D BIM model was generated of a million+ square foot property, and experience an exclusive hands-on workshop for window restoration and terra cotta repair followed by a tour. Reception immediately to follow. This a unique opportunity to witness a Beaux Arts era building being restored to its former grandeur.

Sponsored by Spectra, Chattel, Omgivning, Mollenhauer and Waterbridge Capital.

~ This event already happened ~  

Masonry Repair &
Restoration Workshop          

September 16, 2016
  Stanford University   

WCAPT offered a full day workshop hosted by Stanford University on sandstone repair and restoration projects completed throughout campus. Members learned about the various stages of work involved from planning, to conducting a conditions assessment, to the importance of drawings and technical specifications, mock-ups, and working closely with the masonry contractor to ensure a successful project outcome. The event included insightful  presentations, a walking tour, and a hands-on workshop for stone restoration and sculpting.

Speakers were from Stanford University's Campus Planning & Design Office, ARG Conservation Services, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, and Stonescuplt.


~ This event already happened ~
Monadnock Building
Rehabilitation Lecture & Tour
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

WCAPT in collaboration with the AIA San Francisco Historic Resources Committee sponsored a presentation and tour of the recently rehabilitated Monadnock Building located at 685 Market Street in San Francisco. This 10-storey structure with ground floor commercial space and offices above was originally constructed in 1906, substantially renovated in the 1980's and recently underwent an exterior rehabilitation including repair to its decorative terra cotta and the installation of a new storefront.


~ This event already happened ~
Weathering of Fiberglass
      Facsimiles Lecture
September 28, 2016 at 6:30-8:00pm
  SGH Los Angeles Office 
1055 W. 7th Street, Suite 2500, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Join WCAPT in collaboration with the AIA Los Angeles Chapter Historic Resources Committee in a lecture "I TOLD YOU SO: 50 Years' study of the weathering of fiberglass facsimiles used in historic preservation" by John Fidler, President of John Fidler Preservation Technology Inc. 
FREE for WCAPT members!
1.0 LUs provided by AIA LA HRC
Click on flyer below for more information.

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Learn more about WCAPT's first Arizona event!
WCAPT members and friends came together for an amazing weekend in Scottsdale for our very first Arizona event! We had attendees from California, Arizona, and as far away as Maryland.
Group photo in front of the David & Gladys Wright House

Pre-Meeting Tour of Arcosanti
David & Gladys Wright House
Cosanti Foundation

Taliesin West ~ exclusive tour by fellow board member Fred Prozillo, the Director of Preservation at Taliesin West.


~ This event already happened ~

WCAPT Annual Meeting
February 24th 2017  
The Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA 

Join WCAPT their 2017 Annual Meeting to be held at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Event includes a special opportunity to visit GCI laboratories and hear about work by Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) Science, followed by presentations on two GCI Buildings and Sites programs - the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) and the Earthen Architecture Initiative (EAI). The event will conclude with a wine and cheese social.



 ~ This event already happened ~ 


Weekend Preservation Events
October 2016 Sacramento area members can enjoy all or any of the Central Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects Experience Architecture Weekend.

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